IAABO 175 Supports the passage of H. 1427!
TO: All Sports Officials in Massachusetts
FROM: National Ice Hockey Officials Association, Massachusetts Chapters
RE: Bill H.1427 - An Act relative to the assault on and aggravated harassment of sports officials
On behalf of the National Ice Hockey Officials Association, Massachusetts Chapters, we are reaching out today to bring your attention to bi-partisan House Bill H.1427 - An Act relative to the assault on and aggravated harassment of sports officials.
This Bill, and variations thereof, have been lingering at the State House for over 15 years. Assaults across our memberships have continued to climb throughout this period. Let’s unite today and drive this legislation to the finish line, joining 23 other states, including New Hampshire as the latest, that have already enacted legislation.
Our Ask
Sign the petition - https://www.change.org/MA-Assault-on-Sports-Officials
Create awareness amongst your fellow officials.
Request that members reach out directly to their state legislators to request support.
Contact State Legislators
Please spend just 5 minutes sending an email to your State Representative and State Senator. A short email that shares your years of experience as an official, the sport(s) you are involved in, related experiences and requests support from your legislator for H.1427 will go a long way. The more communication our legislators receive, the more likely that this bill will be passed!
Click to Find your Legislators (https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator)
Enter your address or click on the your town in the map
Click on each legislator’s image to find their email address
Copy and paste email addresses into your email program and send your note!
On behalf of the Massachusetts Chapters of the National Ice Hockey Officials Association, thank you for your support.
Questions and Press Inquiries?
Contact: Mike Ober